Wednesday, December 21, 2011

There's a Story Behind Everything

                 Recently, because of a good friend, I have picked up two books that have really taught me some valuable lessons. I’ve mentioned before that I’m not much of a reader, particularly because I have no time to read ( except for school books, that’s for my teachers). “The Five People You Meet In Heaven,” and “For One More Day” are written by Mitch Albom. Both of these books contain a great story line ( or multiple) but a long with the story line comes little lessons out of each.
               “The Five People You Meet In Heaven” is about a guy who dies (shocking). After he dies, he is brought to “heaven” or how it is interpreted in the book. There, he meets five people that has somehow shaped his life or he made an impact in theirs. The whole idea is that these people wait for you because you did something that impacted their lives. This guy meets his old navel officer, a girl he killed, a guy who got in a car accident because of him and his deceased wife. Each one had a different story to tell him about his life and about he had impacted it.
                 Throughout the book, I didn’t know what it was exactly leading towards, but I knew the ending would bring it all together. When I finished, I kept thinking how crazy it is that he met such random people. When people generally think of heaven, they think going back to see their family, friends and God. This got me thinking about the impact we have on people we see everyday, whether we know it or not. Someone you pass in traffic, or say hi to at the grocery store or even someone you never even knew crossed paths with you.
                The lesson I learned from this was kind of similar to the next book but it was to really think about the way you treat people and the way you act around them. Every action has a reaction ( Now I’m just trying to sound smart). But really, we don’t know who we could be seeing for the last time or saying hi to. Anything can happen in the matter of seconds and I really feel that people don’t realize that until that “something” happens for them and time is up.
               “For One More Day,” was a little bit different story line. The guy in the story has fallen out from his family, friends and everyone around him and decides it’s time to take his own life. The story is retold in his words which I feel was crucial to get the right effect. It is about how he chose to look up to his dad even though his mom was there to give him endless love. His parents ended up divorcing and he scarcely saw his dad. While his mom was there the whole time to love him, he took this for granted. In between chapters there are little stories titled “ Times my mother stood up for me” and “Times I did not stand up for my mother.”
                  This got me thinking, we all go through that age where we are teenagers and want nothing to do with our parents (been there done that). We also grow up and appreciate the things not only our parents have done but also teachers and friends.
                   Once the guy in the story tries to commit suicide he is brought to his mothers doorstep. Even he wasn’t sure if she was a ghost or he was in real life but he knew it was too good to be true. He was able to spend a full day with his mom after she had passed and throughout the “day” (book in this case) he realizes how much he took for granted. They talked about the past and why his parents had divorced, his childhood and his adulthood before he fell off and tried to end his life. Imagine being able to spend one more day with someone you lost?
                      I won’t ruin the ending for anyone who doesn’t want to read it, but it really brought around full circle the love that our parents have for us. Not only our parents, but we really can’t take for granted the people who care about us. The three main take-always I got out of this book are:

                  1. “When someone is in your heart, they’re never truly gone. They come back to you, even at unlikely times.” - This really spoke to me and to anyone who has every lost someone, it should speak to you too. You know that no matter what, that person will be in the back of your head. People might leave earth, but they never leave our hearts.
                 2. Belief, hard work, and love- with these things, you can do anything. - Those three things are what it takes to succeed I believe. If you believe, whether it be God, yourself or in other people, you can make it. Hard work speaks for itself. Work hard and reap the benefits. The last is love. Not just the “I love you” kind of love, but the love you have for what you do and the love you have for people around you. If you don’t have that, you won’t enjoy living.
                 3.There’s a story behind everything- How true is that? You didn’t just wake up one day and appear on earth, there is a way and a story of how you got here, how we all got here. Everything you do, has a story. What’s your story?

Monday, November 28, 2011

True Love Never Dies


              True love never dies. I know that sounds very cliche but on my recent trip to Maryland to visit my grandparents, I realized the truth to this. After my parents divorce, I still visited my grandparents at least once a year. I loved going to my big family Thanksgiving’s at their house. All the grandkids would always be together playing different hide and seek and capture the flag games. I remember the Friday after Thanksgiving we always had a big family football game.
          Throughout the years, I loved going and spending time at my grandparents house. They would always take us to Congressional Country Club which, which was around the corner, to swim and we loved it. It was always the same, my grandpa was grumpy but we loved him, he always said we brought too much luggage ( and we did), and my grandma was always smiling and at the end of the day, she’d say “Connie’s kitchen is closed.” These little things I took for granted up until now.
          I admit, I had lost touch with this side of my family for quite some time. Once my grandma was diagnosed with Alzheimers when I was a teen, I got scared and wasn’t sure what to do. The last time I had seen them she asked who I was in the airport. This was right before my real dad moved overseas for good and from that point on our visits and talks were scarce, if any.
          My grandparents fell in love in college. They fell in love young, and soon started a family with nine kids. I know that it was hard for them because my grandpa went off to war and some of the older siblings had to help the younger ones grow up. The stories that were told from when they were all younger made you laugh till you would cry. Their love has lasted over 50 years and it is still going strong.
          This past weekend, I had the honor to fly to Maryland and visit where I had once grew up. The feeling I got when I was driving to my grandpas house from the airport was kind of a lost one. I missed being there, and I missed the times I had there. I knew that this visit was different than the rest. My grandma has recently been moved into a home for patients with Alzheimer’s and on a good day she remembers both my grandpa and my Aunt Barbara. It felt lonely in his new downsized house without her, like the smile over the house had faded.
        I spent time talking to my grandpa about Notre Dame ( he is a die hard fan) and sports and school. These were the same talks we always, but I cherished them more. The morning I was supposed to see my grandma, I was anxious. We had heard what to do and what not to do and I just wanted to see her.
       Walking into her area of the hospital, I couldn’t of felt more lost. I looked over and saw my grandma and she looked at me and my brother, and looked away. When she saw my grandpa she said to him “Daddy” ( her nickname for him) and she shook her hands like she always had. My grandpa looked at her and his smile was from ear to ear. He said “ There’s the most beautiful lady in this place,” and I knew their love hadn’t died one bit. He sat there and sang her their wedding song, and I couldn’t help but smile too. As we sat there and talked to her I couldn’t help but be overwhelmingly sad. I missed having talks with her, and now it was hard for her to get her words out. Just sitting there with her was some of the best time I spent.
         I’m not writing this to make anyone sad, even though here I am sad myself, I just want her story told ( even if it’s not the best). My grandma still has her fighting spirit. She has the same laugh, same smile, and same silly comments she just can’t quite comprehend them. Alzheimer’s affects so many people these days and it’s one of the saddest diseases. To forget everyone you once loved. My heart goes out to everyone who suffers with this disease and to their families. Remember that time is short. Our time we spend with people we love is short. Make the most of that time and always remember to love people in return. Just like my grandparents still love each other, love does not die, even if people change. Connie's kitchen is now closed.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Counting My Blessings

            I once read a quote that said, “What if you only woke up with what you thanked God for the night before?” This really got me thinking. I have a close relationship with God and I do pray a lot but how often do I really thank him? Then it got me thinking even more that it’s rare that people thank one another for being there.
          Since it is Thanksgiving and everyone is grateful for what is in their life, I have to say that I am grateful for so many things. I have a wonderful family, amazing friends, a great support group throughout my life. Through all the ups and downs of the last few years, I can’t say I would take anything back. I can look at my life now and say that I have a job, an internship, and am very involved in what I do and I love every minute of it ( even the late hours).
          In the past month alone, I’ve had some extreme blessings in my life. It wasn’t a good thing that I had surgery but I am thankful that I was able to walk again a week afterwards, and now I can bike and swim. I am thankful that I will get another chance to play soccer and that I am able to work hard to get back to doing what I love. WT has provided me with some great trainers  who take time out of their day to help me get better, and it doesn’t stop there. The support system that has come out of WT for me whether it be teachers, FCA, my teammates, or just my friends has been wonderful. Not just WT, but all my friends, family members, and mentors in my life have been a blessing to me. To all of you, I am thankful.
         I also have to say that my family has been a great support system as well. Not once have they doubted me or my ability to get better. I know that I am lucky to be able to spend Thanksgiving day with them when many people don’t have a family to go to.
         When I look back and reflect, I can’t think of a time when there hasn't been one person out there who has cared for me and I think that is one of the biggest blessings. People have been put in my life with big hearts and I have learned so much from that. Today, I get to sit down with my family and eat a big dinner and enjoy company. I am thinking about all the people out there that have made an impact in my life and I am extremely blessed. After reading that quote and taking everything into consideration I can say that my thanks that is given is more than you can imagine. God had put people in my life and He has made all my blessings possible. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Start Something That Matters


         I've tried reading more lately and well I've been failing. I did happen to stumble across a good book recently and found it very helpful in not only relating it to the business world but to real life. I'm what you call a travel reader. Every time I fly somewhere I tend to read something whether it be a good book or a magazine.

          When I traveled to Vegas in October my friend Tyler had this book and he was just finishing it. Tyler is kind of the ideal student and I looked at the book and thought I'd be interested. "Start Something That Matters" by Blake Mycoskie tells his story of TOMS and how his business got started.

         Now, for those of you thinking that I am wanting to start my own business , you are wrong. I mean, it would be awesome and maybe someday I will but it's just not in the books for me now. I did however get a deeper look into my passions and "my story" because of this book. I found out some things about myself and was able to take a deeper look inside.

        The beginning of this book is about the TOMS story and finding your own story. Blake tells us all to look at what we are passionate about and figure out how we can help other people from it.

        I realized that as we all know, I am extremely passionate about soccer. But looking passed soccer I am also passionate about other people and making them smile. I am passionate about everything I do on a daily basis because I don't just want to be ordinary.

       Blake talks a lot about facing your fears and I think this was a key take away for me. Before I even got into the Mass Communications field I hated public speaking and giving presentations. I hated putting myself out there for other people to critique. But, how are you going to get better if you don't fail a few times?

       Although most aspects of this book are business related, I feel as though each chapter gives meaning to life as a whole. Blake's advice: Keep it simple, build trust, and giving is good business. I feel as if each of these aspects past your story means a whole lot. Instead of looking to complicate things, keep it simple. Trust is a huge factor and if people trust you, your relationships with people in general tend to get better. Lastly, giving is such a simple thing but a hard thing to do. Blake's words have taught me to realize that giving the most simple thing, like a smile can make someone's day.

After reading this book, I have a new outlook on myself and I also have a drive to want to go out there and do something. I want to make a difference whether it be at school, with my friends, my family, or just random people around me.


To laugh often and love much
To win respect of intelligent people and the affection of children
To earn the appreciation of honest critics
Endure the betrayal of false friends
To appreciate the beauty
To leave the world a bit better
whether by a healthy child,
a gardent patch, or a redeemed social condition
To know even one life has breathed easier
because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Don't Give up, Fight back

             It’s already the end of October and hard to believe how much has changed in about 2 weeks. Going back to Vegas was a great experience and I cannot wait until we go back again. The Terry Fator organization has given me so much knowledge and so have the peers I have gone with. They always say once things are going well something is bound to happen and that it did. I tore my ACL again in my right knee along with a lot of other things.
          To some, this may be an indication to give up and to stop playing soccer. It’s funny when someone asks me if that was the end to my soccer career and usually I just laugh. I’ve been surrounded by people ( especially the girls in my house) who never give up and that’s what I plan on doing. The ACL- Anterior cruciate Ligament is the ligament that holds your knee together.
         Last year, at around this same time I had torn my left one and thought it was the end. I had never had a bad knee injury up until then and I had no idea what to expect. I went through with the surgery, painful rehab, and found my way back to the field. Although there were many struggles, each time I stepped on the field made it all worth it.
          Then, it happened again and I wasn’t sure what to think. I’m still having a struggle in my mind about what’s going on but I know that there is some sort of plan for me as to why this happened. I’ve never wanted to give up soccer and as it dwells closer to the end of my playing days, I still can’t imagine ever stopping. Many athletes have the same mindset as me and that is why we love the game so much. I plan on working hard, although i’m dreading the rehab, and getting my strength back.
          As for right now, I already cannot wait to step on the field again. I’m getting way ahead of myself but in my life, i’ve always been taught never to give up. Either it’s never give up or I’m just too stubborn ( you take your pick). I think when you give up that’s the easy way out. I’m sure we have all had our struggles but those struggles are what makes each person unique. Last time I torn my ACL, I was given something in disguise. I fell in love my major and made some great friends along the way. This is not how I intended for this season to turn out but I know that something good will come out of this and that’s what keeps me smiling. In the words of Winston Churchill, “ Never, Never never give up.” I already can’t wait to play next season.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Buffs, Bulls, and Vegas

             Well this week has definitely been a whirlwind and it’s already Tuesday. Although it was homecoming week back at WT, women’s soccer did not get a chance to participate because we were away for soccer. The result of the weekend is definitely not what we wanted.
            We came out with a bad loss against MSU on friday night and then got rained out on Sunday. The results are not what we wanted and I feel that everyone is ready to fight back. We have injuries, and no one is particularly healthy but I think that our team is ready to bounce back. We have a goal, multiple goals, and we are ready to achieve them.
           For the Amarillo Bulls we had a board meeting yesterday and found out what our next challenge is going to be. It is based off a point system. We get a different amount of points to hand out posters, flyers, schedules, sell tickets, and coasters. This is a new approach to get the Bulls name out there and it is going to require some serious action. We ( the Blue team) needs to get out in the community and make them aware of the Bulls as well as try to sell merchandise to them. It is definitely a challenge we are ready to take on.
           This week I also had the opportunity to be a Transfer Student Mentor. I applied for the job, interviewed, and got offered the job all within two days. I don’t know exactly what it will entail yet but I am super excited to be able to help kids through the process I went through transferring. I hope to make the transition a little easier for them.
         Lastly, The BuffMinds teacher and student group are heading out to Vegas again this morning. We are missing two of our important faculty members Lori and Dr. Browning but we are sure to put what they have taught us to use. This time is phase 2 of the research. In the summer, we conducted a series of Man on the Street interviews as well as after the show interviews. This time we plan on doing the same thing and hoping to get a better look at the different audiences in the summer and the fall.
         I promise you when I say, it is a lot of work. People think Vegas is all fun and games but this time I really feel like it’s business. We don’t want to let the Terry Fator organization down. All of the students and teachers on this trip work very well together and I am very excited to see what this round of research has in store for us. I am also looking forward to the end product of all this and being able to present in front of some Terry Fator execs. For now, Viva Las Vegas!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

You don't choose your family.  They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.  ~Desmond Tutu

    This quote can really describe how I feel after this last weekend.  For those of you who know me, I have kind of a confusing family. Divorce has happened and I happen to have a huge family on both of my sides. While all sides of my family mean so much to me, I have taken that for granted sometimes.
                I always joke with my parents (my step dad and mom) about how I didn’t really appreciate everything they did for me until I left for college, but it is so true. All the little things like cleaning up, and cooking me dinner, and taking me to and from practices has all made me who I was. At times (okay, I’ll be honest), most of the time, I got scolded but it has made me a better more determined person.
            When I was 7, my little sister came into this world and she has got to be the most special little girl in my life. I cannot imagine how I lived without a sister for seven years. I think at times she is actually more mature than me. My brother who I have grown up with is the complete opposite of me.
                Growing up, my brother and I fought about everything. We would fight over dust if we could. Today though is a different story. He calls me about everything and I call him. I make it a point to not just call my brother but talk to my family everyday. No matter how mad they make me, or how busy I am, I can always find time to talk them. Although I do not see my other siblings as often or my nephew, I still know that they are all there and they love me. I’m still trying to get my nephew to say Julia before he says my sisters name although I don’t see that happening.
                  I have also come to realize that it is not just who raises you or blood related to that is your family. In a sense, you can choose your family. To me I have a lot of families. I have my WT family, which would include my soccer teammates, my teachers who have helped me a long the way (you know who you are), and my friends here. I also have my family in New Jersey and friends there at my old school, my friends at home in San Antonio from high school and my friends and family all over the world.
                 When I stop to think about how blessed I am to truly have so many people care about me, it’s overwhelming. This past weekend, I got to hang out with my “family.” For the first time in a long time my brother, sister, my mom and dad, and I were all at the same gathering. They all attended their first WT soccer game (with me playing this year). It was such a great feeling to have them in the stands and to know how much they support me. Along with them were a few friends and mentors I have had along the way to come and watch me and catch up with me at the end. This weekend was so great in the fact that I got to spend time with a lot of my family members: My team, My family, My mentors and my friends. Family is around you everyday, people who care about you and want you to learn and grow as a person, you just have to take time to realize it. Thank you to all who have made me, who I am, and continue to help me along with way. 


Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Month in Recap

          This first month of school has definitely flown by. I feel like just yesterday was the first day of the semester. I guess that is what happens when life just gets so busy. School is going well . I think I have fallen in love with my major all over again. I love all my classes except math ( but who likes math anyways).
         It’s been nice to take on more of a leadership role when it comes to academics. I am a Mentor for the Advertising and Public Relations Society and also for the National Broadcasting Society at our school. It is great to know that I get to help younger students grow in their majors and find their places at school. I also am enjoying still working with broadcasting doing Sports and Marketing team for KWTS radio.
    I did my first sports broadcast for volleyball and have since moved on to soccer. I love announcing games, it is a lot of fun. In Ad/Pr I got to tell students about my awesome internships this summer and help them network so they can become more involved. Needless to say, school is going well.
    My internship with the Amarillo Bulls has definitely gotten more busy. As we get closer to hockey season, the promotions are starting to pick up as well as the advertising. I finished designing some of the ads for the program and got to know photoshop more, so I was happy about that. We had our first exhibition game that we worked and it was awesome to get to see the players on the ice finally. Our season opener is in a week and the first elimination will be made so competition is high.
        The WT soccer team is going well. I love being able to do what I love all the time. After last year being hurt, I have come to really appreciate what God has given me no matter if it being used on the field or to motivate my teammates. We are 5-3 overall and 2-2 in conference and we are just coming off a big win against Midwestern State. Today we play ACU And they are probably our biggest rivals.    
           Lastly, I am glad to have found a rhythm in this semester. I have become involved in FCA ( Fellowship of Christian Athletes) which has helped me balance a lot of things out. A lot of their talks focus on exactly what I am dealing with and FCA has taught me forgiveness, trusting in God, Glorifying God in everything that I do , and that no matter what roll I am on and off the field, God still loves and trusts.
          Only a month in to the semester and I am excited for what is to come. I have been able to grow in my friendships with people and grow as a person and I am thankful for everyone in my life. Only 2 and half months left of the semester. That is so weird. I know it’s cliche but it’s all happening way too fast.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I Don't Know What I've Been Told


          Well normally, I’d be saying that this is “my last first day of school” considering I should be a senior, but, since transferring and getting injured with soccer, I still have another year left. I am not upset about this at all because I feel that coming to WT was one of the best decisions I have made.
         Today, we had our Majors meeting where all the mass communications majors got together and talked about all the activities we were involved in or would like to be involved in. A year ago, I was the girl sitting in the back not knowing anyone or how to get involved in anything. At that time, I was still questioning my major and what I wanted to do.
         Flash forward a year and I have so many people to thank for who I have become. With the help of some wonderful friends and advisors I have become more involved in my program and realized I cam to school for more than just soccer ( a crazy realization for me). Going from journalism, to broadcasting, to Ad/Pr, I feel happy and blessed to have experienced all of these aspects of the field.
         In the meeting today, we had some laughs and it felt great to know that we can all joke around but still learn a ton. The AD/PR club made a big name for ourselves when we stood up in the middle of the meetings whistling and chanting about the clubs meeting. It was a fun time and great to see how passionate we all are.
         Tonight at the football game a lot of my teammates were there including myself and we were recognized as student scholar athletes. This was a great reward for the hard work a lot of put in last year and it felt nice to be recognized with our other student athletes and peers.
        I’m excited for this school year and soccer season.  Not only am I just in classes like I was last year but I’m involved with the schools radio station KWTS on sports and marketing team, I’m in the Ad/Pr club as an advertising executive, NBS, Vegas Market research, and my internship with the Bulls. It’s crazy thinking about where I was a year ago but I feel so blessed. I hope to achieve many accomplishments this year with each the clubs and internships I am doing. I have a wonderful support system that has made adapting to canyon easy and made me proud to be a Buffalo!

Monday, August 22, 2011

For the Love of the Game


           We are at that time of the year again. One of my favorite times of the year and it has been since as far back as I can remember: Soccer season. Growing up, soccer season meant different things. From the first day I saw my brother playing soccer up until now, I couldn’t have imagined my life without it.
          When I first started playing when I was 4, soccer meant being able to play with my brothers and not have to fight over what we were doing, we just played the game. I loved that my dad was their coach and we could all play soccer. I guess you could say I was one of the boys.
         Years later, soccer got more competitive but I still had so much love for the game. I loved waking up early on Saturday mornings and playing soccer all weekend until I couldn’t move my legs. I love the smell of grass in the morning, getting oranges at halftime in the games, and the sound of parents cheering you on.
         When it came down to it, there was no doubt in my mind whether I would play college soccer, I just had to. Now that i’m 21 and in my 4th year of player college soccer, I am still happy I chose to play. Coming back from transferring and then a knee injury, this year is a special year to me.
         Although now soccer takes on more of a “job” role, I still love it just as much. Pre season has got to be an athletes worst nightmare, but there is nothing more rewarding than doing what you love all day, everyday for two weeks.  Now that we are in the second week of two a days, I feel our team being more connected. Sharing that experience of working hard, running till we can’t anymore, and having fun with our team is what it is all about. I cannot wait for  our first game of the season and to see what the WT women’s team has in store. WT Women’s soccer, Remember the name. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Vegas anyone?

          Well, as summer comes to a close I can’t help but look back and realize this has been one of the best summers. I was provided with some great opportunities and worked hard athletically so this season can be one of WT’s best. With one internship done, and the other still going, I can’t help but look forward to this school year. Right now though, I am about two hours from departing on my first trip to Las Vegas.
         I had always imagined I’d go to Vegas for recreational purposes but I am happy with the circumstances. A group of students, teachers , and I will be embarking on our first trip of three to Las Vegas. We are conducting market research for the Terry Fator show in Las Vegas. (
         For those of you who don’t know Terry Fator, he won America’s Got Talent in 2007. There are many descriptions for what Fator does. He’s an impressionist and also a ventriloquist. I have not seen him yet but on this trip to Vegas, I look forward to seeing his show and learning more about marketing. Our research is going to be technologically based. We are utilizing ipads to get audience feed back about the show and also people on the street to find out what they know or if they know about Terry Fator.
        This is just one step into some of the more exciting things in my future. Whether this ends up being what  I do in the future or not , I’m excited about the opportunity ahead along with many other ones that have or are going to come my way. Viva Las Vegas

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Deadlines, Golf Tournaments, and Promotions

         It's been a crazy summer and a very busy one at that. Since getting back from London , Top O' Texas Football Magazine has been in full swing. From designing pages, to editing, to writing stories, all of the staff here has worked so hard. Now we are almost done and turning the pages into the printers. It's been a great feeling of accomplishment knowing that my names is going to be on the staff for the book.
      The experience has been so great both work wise and in developing friendships that I thought would never happen. I was blessed enough to have a great boss and a few good co-workers who made our long days and late night dead lines worth it. I didn't think that graphic design or editing or any of this was for me, but I realized that being a quick learner does pay off and I thoroughly enjoyed this experience. I will be anxiously awaiting my copy of TOTFM.

    As for my second internship, soon turning into my only one, it has been a whirlwind since we started the month of July. The internship is based off of the TV show " The Apprentice". There are 7 interns competing for the number 1 spot which wins $5000 and the runner up receives $2000. We have been divided into two teams : The red team and the blue team. Our first task is to hand out these 2 for 1 vouchers and the customers that receive them redeem them at our home opener. The team that has the most vouchers redeemed wins.
    All of the interns are great and we have all gained hands on experience in the Sports Marketing industry. This is such a competitive industry to begin with, now slap a competition in there and it's dead on from here.
   A lot of what we do is in the office designing things for their website or managing their facebook and twitter accounts. Last week a few interns and I talked about the program on one of the main radio stations here. That was fun to get out in the community and let them know what we are doing and what we are all about. Recently we have had events that each team participated in. My team, the blue team has done 2 Golf tournaments which turned out to be a blast.
    Tyler and I were the only ones to attend this past weekend but we still made the most of it. By the end of the weekend, Tyler and I referred to ourselves as a tag team because we work so well together. I was more of a people person and would draw in the crowd, where Tyler would get them signed up for our prizes once they came to our booth. We had the Bulls buggey out there along with the Plinko board and some prizes.
   One of the main things we did was had golfers sign up to play Plinko that way we had their contact and hopefully get them to come to a few Amarillo Bulls games. It was a great time but you can definitely tell the competition is heating up.

    Back in the office, interns on both teams are sizing each other up in hopes that one or more failed at the task. Either way, we still have a long time until our Home Opener on  Oct. 1st. Looking forward to more Amarillo Bulls action and their season.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Oh the places we'll go



          Well this is it, I’m finally home. I am very sad to have left. I feel as though my ten days spent there changed my outlook on my life and on the life around me. It seems kind of silly to think that going to London would make such an impact on my life, but it has. I feel more globalized. I now recognize issues with myself and with our country.
          It was very humbling to go to England and see the lifestyle of these people. From the culture, to the buildings, to the history, it was all equally as astounding to me. Not only have I learned to become more aware of things going on around me , I now realize that life is about the bigger picture. There is more to it than just material things which I knew before but now it really comes back around for me.
        Not only have I learned to view myself differently but also other people around me. I have made some friendships that I know are going to last and it’s amazing to have spent time with such wonderful people. The conversations I have had will go with me wherever I go and although some people may not understand what we went through, we do and that’s all that matters.
        Here’s to my quad, Thank you guys for making London the best experience of my life. Without you three, it would have been a lot less fun. To my teachers, Thank you for putting on this whole trip and making me realize I do have some of the best teachers who can also be my friend. Some of the funniest moments were with you guys. To the ISA staff, Thank you for being so understanding of us and helping us in whichever way possible. To my classmates, you guys made it so enjoyable to be on this trip. Each and everyone of you have found a way to make me laugh and helped this trip be unforgettable.
        Lastly, Thank you London for changing my life. Being in this city has opened up my eyes and changed my views on life. I will take a lot away from this experience and bring it home with me to Canyon, or wherever I may end up. I hope to visit one day again, maybe possibly even graduate school there. This trip has been a wonderful , life changing , trip of a lifetime. Unforgettable to say the least. Till next time, Goodnight London.

Taking the last moments in..


            Today was a little slow at the beginning but ended up amazing. As I type this, i’m in my last hours here in London. It is quite sad. We started out the day with class and a final exam. The exam just covered the basis of sports marketing and the Olympics. To me, it wasn’t that hard and I was done within an hour or so. The quad finished pretty late so I went shopping and finally bought the dress I wanted to buy since monday.
          Later we went to Benugo sandwich shop and had the best little lunch. It was so cool in there, the lady remembered us from yesterday. Later that evening we went to BBC. The British Broadcasting Company. This company is the largest in the world We got to tour their studios and also see what was put into the international affairs and their magazine.
         Afterward, we had dinner with the ISA staff and it was such a farewell. It kinda was sad to leave all the amazing staff. Dr. Browning put together a poetry slam for the trip which made it absolutely amazing. Her poetry was 30 min long and left us all laughing until we couldn’t anymore.
    Afterwards, we all decided to meet up for Coe’s birthday. He turned 29 today. We all met up at a pub near the Thames and celebrated and talked about the whole trip. 
    This was the greatest end to the trip. We met up with the three teachers, and  we all shared stories and had some amazing laughs. It was probably the funniest because seeing teachers out of their element is just funny in general. We all laughed and shared tons of stories about each other This trip was definitely a lifetime memory  with some amazing people and I won’t forget it. To the students, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute with you, and to my teachers, you are the best, I can’t wait for more memories.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Are these the Original Ravens?


          Today was kind of a slow day. We had class in the morning and talked a lot about brand identity and how America and actually the world is full of brands. It’s crazy to think there are few places where advertisements do not appear anymore. We watched a short video at then end then Rachel and I had a great little lunch at a sandwich shop by Oxford Circus.
         Our group then headed to the tube and to Tower Hill. We got to tour the tower of London and the history behind it was simply amazing. Everything in that tower was so old. Lots of blood and gore and lot of royal killings. The coolest part by far was the marching of the guards. We saw them march right past us and then they went to their selected posts. I got a picture in front of one of them and when I thanked him at the end he gave me a smile. They are not supposed to smile so I was really happy about that.
      We got to tour the place where they kept the crown jewels. This was amazing to me because there are so many details and so many diamonds on each one. We also got to see a lot of artifacts like the Kings armor and some of the torture places. There is a cool myth where they believe if the Ravens ever leave the palace, the Royalty will fall and the Tower will fall. We saw some of these Ravens and they are spectacular. Kind of scary, but spectacular.
       All of us then walked to a place to eat by the globe theater. The quad and I and our friend Coe ate at this nice place right by the River and the Theater. The play “Much Ado About Nothing” was quite funny. Although I didn’t get it right away the main character reminded me of myself.
      I can’t believe tomorrow is our last day here. I have changed so much along with my views of other countries and London. I think I have changed for the better. I will go back with a lot of good things to tell my family and friends and I now have a better understanding of history. I also appreciate things much more now. I see the way Londoners are and the way they just love their country but don’t boast. I also see the serene lifestyle they have. People here just seem more happy when in their natural environment. I am going to take it all in tomorrow. This is not the last time I will see London. I’ll make sure of it. Cheerio

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Experiences, People, and Views

Today was just a great day overall. It was our free day. It started out amazing. I went on a morning run down Caledonian like I normally do. Didn’t get to run as far today because my knees were hurting but it was still nice. Then comes the fun part. Dr. Browning, Lori, and Dr. Gerlich and I went to Abbey Road. We took a cab there and had all of our points planned out. Apparently there was a pre production meeting I missed out on but none-the-less it was awesome. 
We got there and took a few pictures of Abbey Studios where the Beatles recorded. It also reminded me of parent trap. Other American’s were there trying to take the same picture but were failing. When we got there, they had already planned out how they were going to do it, so all I needed to do was snap the shot. When our time came, we ran out and I took two snaps of the shot. We got a good picture but they wanted to try again. The second shot was even better. They loved it and if i do say so, it looks amazing. My three teachers walking like the Beatles. We then took a cab to the first Hard Rock cafe ever built.
It was great company for lunch and we had a few others join us. We went to Hyde Park this afternoon and it was simply amazing. To me, it’s amazing how the people here live in the moment and so simple. They lounge in the grass and just talk and enjoy others company no matter what is going on around them. We happened to stumble across a huge soccer convention which turned out to be the English Premier league convention; loads of advertisements were there. The first tent we went to was the Heiniken one and we ran back in to our teachers. We shared some good company and  nice beer while playing some of the games. As we walked around we visited other booths and took pictures with the giant soccer ball promotion Wembley stadium and the Olympics. Needless to say , I was in soccer heaven. We then went by the river and just sat there taking in the breathtaking view. 
We then traveled the tube to Trafalgar square. This was where they had a beautiful fountain and it was home of the National Museum. Inside were beautiful paintings and lots of history. Later we went back to Nido to rest and get ready for the night. 
Tonight was actually spectacular. We left at 8 to go to the London eye which is the biggest Ferris Wheel. We wanted to get there at sunset so we could have an awesome view and that is what we had. The sunset was absolutely gorgeous and we got some amazing pictures and memories. 
The quad is turning into such a good friendship. Everything we do is so funny. Not to mention my teachers are hilarious. Today Dr. Browning ordered chips and salsa at the Hard Rock not remembering that the British think chips are fries. I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time. 
 It’s so great to just have good company.
My time is is coming to an end. Two more days. Two short days and I feel so immersed in the culture. I love everything about it here and everything I am learning to go along with it. I cannot wait for the next few days and the experiences I will have. Cheers for now!